there anything without any effect? Is there any change possible anywhere in the
universe which will have absolutely no effect? Is there simply anything that
makes no changes in energy or anything else? Then why do people doubt that
everything affects? How much it varies? But yes change of name had an effect.
It makes a difference. Everything makes a "difference" (or changes)
in our world.
people ask how much difference it makes. What difference it makes? To what
extent difference will be made? This is a very, very difficult question. My one
mortal life is unable to answer it. Let me explain. If I pick up my one pen
from table and place it on the chair, what difference did it make on earth as a
whole? What difference it made in the whole of the universe? Immense effect. No
one can calculate effect of even the minutest of the things. No one knows what
difference things make. So be satisfied with the answer that everything makes a
difference. Can you tell me what exact difference it will create on earth if I
stop breathing for 20 seconds? Calculate it. I give you 1 million years to
calculate the difference it makes on the whole universe if I stop breathing for
20 seconds. You won't be able to do it even in that much time. Just remember
before touching anything that it makes a difference. This is my research if you
disagree let me know.
Written by Ekta K. Kalra