Sunday, March 25, 2012

Karmic Theory: Evil Karmas Are the Cause of Environmental Changes

Our earth lives due to several reasons and some of them are energy from the sun, health from the plants and water, survival through oxygen, protection through brain, and support through abilities. Earth will not end for the next thousands of years. Earthquakes, floods and other climatic changes will continue to challenge man's mind to fight with adversity. But it will not cause the doom of earth's life. As per palmistry, currently there are several thousands of young people who are destined to excel in old age. Numerology and astrology also make similar claims. There is no indication of sudden death in the future of even one third of the population of earth. If the astrologers claim that the earth will end soon then why cannot they show this as the written fate of thousands of people?

At present the number of atheists on earth is much higher than ever before. People don't fear God. In the absence of God's fear struggle in life is sure to increase. We will struggle due to several odds on our way. It is to say that earth is going through a bad phase during which there will be a long period of great struggle for mankind. Several challenges will come up and present themselves for urgent remedies. However, the earth will pass this phase irrespective of whether we succeed in finding solutions or not. This struggling phase of earth has come up due to decline in morals in people. A huge population of people is currently engaged in immoral acts more openly than before. People fail to appreciate and accept morals that were practiced in the recent past.

There is indecency and deception all around our globe. What happens when morals fall? It is wrong to say that the earth ends with the loss of morals. The major change that takes place with the loss of morals is that in the level of struggle we face. It is just the same as life doesn't end for an individual when he performs misdeeds what happens is his future happiness gets challenged. Since majority is doing wrong therefore calamities are falling on hundreds instead of few. This was sure to happen for people. Hindu and Sikh religions and several others were absolutely right to say that our own Karmas (good and bad deeds) become the cause of our happiness and sorrows. Results of Karmas cannot be suppressed through any level of advancement or logic. Thousands suffer when the societies as a whole decline morally. It is the right time that we accept the challenge of designing societies where better morals are practiced and God is believed.

What we need to save earth is exactly the same as what we need to save the morals on earth. I believe both science and spirituality should work together to stop the end of morals. For instance, scientific methods, like moral-teaching video games, can be designed and presented to the upcoming generations. Choice is ours... we need a silence on environmental front or a chaos on moral front?

Written by Ekta K. Kalra 
All rights reserved.


  1. Very imaginative and innovative, Ekta. You must be working for NASA. Great write up!

  2. Karmas can challenge anything and everything. Palmistry, numerology and astrology present themselves with information and predictions; which can be proved wrong with karmas. We might think that we are bound but it is not so. Karmas should be guided by the brain and heart and not just by any one. Brain is required for self- love and heart to love others. We need to challenge the happenings of the world with our karmas. The earthquakes, floods and tsunamis can be challenged by practicing good karmas. If we obey the rules and regulations set for us in the recent past then who can destroy our planet and for what reason? We all should stand as one and walk ahead on the path of nobility and good deeds. By our love, care, service and sacrifice we should stop the happenings of the world. In the past holy prayers were performed to alter the state of great difficulty. We need to address the existent problems of earth by practicing that which is good and spreading that which is right. Our brain can create satellites then why cannot our heart impress eternity? The choice is our…we want momentary comfort through immoral or a pleasant and long life through nobility.

  3. Misdeeds are bad not only from religious (philosophical) point of view but also from scientific (psychological, psychiatric) point of view. Misdeeds are a disease that can digest the complete world of ours.

  4. I was requested by several readers to post the discussion on Karmic Theory and Environmental Changes from Linkedin here so that the readers can read it. I have done so. Thank you!

    Charles Fenger, Grace Chock 卓玉梅 and 1 other like this

    Grace Chock 卓玉梅 • I believe in karma - the law of cause and effect. What goes round comes round. Love begets love, hatred begets hatred. The world certainly needs more love.
    18 days ago• Unlike• Like

    Ron Scheurer • When karma is explained as cause and effect it suddenly becomes an issue of good or bad karma depending on the perceived results of some action; mental or physical. Try considering karma as a recycling process of an infinite universe; endless but neither good nor bad. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Neither - both always were. Was there a beginning, will there be an end? Neither. That is the nature of infinity; incomprehensible by the brain or matter limited mind of individual entities.
    18 days ago• Unlike• Like

    Peter Stutz • Karma is the Horizon of your capabilities in Spiritual and Ethic consciousness
    18 days ago• Unlike• Like

    Ron Scheurer • A horizon, or event horizon, implies a limit or range of perception or knowledge. Karma, per se, has no limits to it effects. Karma is a concept to explain the apparent relationship between cause and effect. The question is: can karma explain the relationship between effect and cause as one might perceive it in the world below sub atomic particle physics - the horizon between energy and matter? That might be possible if it is not referred to as a horizon.
    18 days ago• Unlike• Like

    POETIC PHILOSOPHER 757 739-7001 @2012 YVETTE MARIE FINNEGAN • Ekta, thank you for sharing your article. I like when I read something with an open mind and then change my view point completely. I have come to the conclusion that man cannot be perfect all times. Therefore, if I correlate man to God, as you attempted, God cannot be perfect at all times. Do I comprehend a concept of Perfection? Yes. but the concept does not mean it manufactures itself as a reality at all times. I do not see your examples as showing perfection, I interpret them as practices of free will and powers of intention. Thank You
    7 days ago• Unlike• Like

    Elias Capriles • As to whether karmas are good or bad or neutral, or we should see them in a different light, well, at least in the "higher" Buddhist conception, good karma is not an achievement to be proud of and bad karma is not like Christian sin—something to feel guilty and monster-like for. So long as we are in the relative dimension good karma produces good results, bad karma generates bad ones, and neutral karma, neutral results. However, from the ultimate standpoint all karma is bad, because it keeps us ceaselessly spinning in samsara, and all action affirms and sustains the doer, as well as the karmic chain (note that karma means "action"). So the point here is to go beyond karma: to go beyond action and its results, in the spontaneity of the Awake mind. Kant said that the saint does not need moral law (and hence has no need for the categorical imperative), and, likewise, the one who attains Buddhahood needs not moral law, as she or he is free from harmful impulses and spontaneously achieves the good of others, for everything and everyone is like her or his own body. The way to reach Buddhahood is, therefore, through the Path that is beyond action—the principle of lhundrub in Dzogchen, the principle of wei-wu-wei in Chán, the principle of sahaya in sahayayana Vajrayana...
    6 days ago• Unlike• Like

    Charles Fenger • Very interesting!
    6 days ago• Unlike• Like
