Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gay: The Nature and the Different

The greatest of the joys touches the human mind when he finds that a person like him has been created by his own body and efforts. What an honor in self eyes! What a platform of reputation! But the questions arises do we really reproduce? Do we really have the power to decide what should be the “nature” of the child? No we cannot make a decision regarding the character of the child. We cannot decide and incorporate the required morals or intelligence in the child. We cannot make a child take birth with certain characteristics. The question is that if we only choose the birth of the child and no external and internal characteristics then are we really the true creative individuals behind the birth of the child?
Do we actually reproduce? It is essential to know the truth and understand the reality from its deepest depth. We do not reproduce in nature. The truth is that nature “uses” us as an element to complete its cycle of reproduction. Human body and mind is so structured that it can be used to create other related living beings. The nature to resolve its purpose has so molded us that we cannot easily find a way out of this set cycle of playing role in the birth of new ones. We do not in reality reproduce with our own preferences. We are made to reproduce as per the set specifications of the nature. The result of this reproduction so called “our child” is also not set as per our own preferences. Thus, human body in reality is used by nature to continue its cycle leading to its long presence on earth.
A person out of control of the nature is therefore considered “different” or “gay” or “lesbian” or “bisexual”. But in reality it can be seen that it’s not the mistake of the person if he is different or gay. Difference is due to the partial or inappropriate control of nature on the body and mind of the individual. It can happen due to various existent problems or changes in the nature. We cannot hate a person just because he is different. We need to understand why this difference exists. Since the word gay has met with great opposition and hatred in the recent past it is advisable to use the word “different” for this category of people. Our motto should be to love the nature in its every form and understand and handle the differences. Hatred resolves nothing but results in the aggravation of the problem. Thus, the different should be understood with more of the heart and application of logic is the intention of the article. 

We cannot accompany reason at every step of life.

We need to also give place to heart in our preferences & style.
Love needs roof to create its place.
Let life follow a place of grace.
Give place to gays.
Written by Ekta K. Kalra

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Diversion of mind as a treatment method for depression

Whenever there is a certain happening in life whether it is positive or negative, the related emotions quickly assemble in the mind of the person. Thus, the types of happening(s) that get extracted from the memory at a particular time are dependent on the category of current happening. If the current happening is sorrowful then all the past happenings related to the element of sorrow will get extracted. In this there will be preference for those sorrowful happenings which are more closely and logically related to the current sorrowful happening. The similar process goes for positive or happiness-making happenings.
It is important to note here that in case of current sorrowful event the extraction of related sorrowful happenings from the past will strengthen the emotions felt at a particular time. This strengthening of emotions by virtue of related extraction becomes the cause of depression and anxiety. A stoppage of allied emotions extraction can be achieved by diverting the mind to something different. This can be the reason why things and events that divert the mind achieve success in the treatment of depression. It can also be added that the inability at the level of self to divert the mind from the negative event can be an indicative of lack of control of emotions.
A patient of depression at first needs support of external help to divert the mind. Once the initial diversion of mind has been achieved to a certain degree, the further control of mind can be achieved through self initiated steps. It is for this reason that lessons which teach diversion of mind should be taught in school and its practice should be included through practical methods. One method by which diversion can be achieved is learning to divert the flow of thoughts through concentration on breathes or mantras. This has been taught as the method of meditation since ancient times. Other methods through which diversion can be achieved is going to new places, meeting with friends, watching a movie, attending spiritual lessons.
Diversion therapy can therefore be defined as the art of diverting the mind so as to achieve desired medicinal effect or comfortable state of mind. Diversion therapy as a method of treatment for depression can be practiced by specialized staff educated in ways of achieving it. It becomes therefore essential to question the process by virtue of which psychiatrists and clinical psychologists ask questions as related to the event of sorrow. Should talking about sorrows with the patient be really a method of recommendation for the treatment of the patient? Should questions inquiring about the sorrowful happening be greatly reduced? Should information derived by the patient be only limited to the content the patient feels comfortable to share? Should the questions be limited to only extremely essential information? Are there more such loop holes in the practice of medicine and counseling? Such loop holes can delay the immediate response to the treatment of depression or sometimes just take the condition of the patient to a state which is worst than no treatment at all.
One important element of emotions and thoughts that aggravate the sorrowful condition is that the flow of negative thoughts is a “natural” process. Therefore, the technique to stop the flow of negative emotions is required to be learnt or taught. As drops of water always tend to join together to make a bigger drop so do the negative emotions always join together with experiences from the past. This creates intense sorrow and great grief. If this joining together of the negative emotions can be stopped then the result will be a long lasting state of emotional health and thought-generated comfort. Let’s then challenge the nature of mind and win the controlling power of brain that shall then lead to happiness as a gain forever.
Written by Ekta K. Kalra
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Green city: Perfection proposed in love for environment

A city where every car that moves on road is colored green and every dress worn by the residents is green. A place where the houses are painted green and the shops are decorated with shades of green. It will thus be a place where green will speak to the mind and ask for reformation of ways to green. The trees should be saved. The petrol should be used less. There should be more life added to the planet of ours. The green city will speak to the visitors’ hearts. Each man who will walk in the city will move out with new lessons learnt from the green city.
Innovation can do miracles if we believe and implement. Human mind can agree to great sacrifices if we feel and implement. Desires can be compromised if we love the environment so much. We need to design a better world. A world which strongly stands on the concept of saving more than spending. A need is not met by hurting and harming the nature. A dream is cultivated by watering with conservation of trees. We need our hearts to beat but for the world this time. We have to learn ethics with joy and enjoy a life of less expenditure of nature. So that the day continues to shine and the light is drawn also from our deeds. A world that is greener and potentially safer. This is the world of our dreams.

Work on how people can be made to love and care for nature

They who know how to love one thing can be taught to love other things with greater ease. For example, he who loves God can be made to love and care for nature more easily as compared to him who doesn’t love God (or to that matter anything).

Teaching love and care for nature to atheists can be  a tougher job as compared to teaching the same to believers of God.
How good our plant would have been if “Nature” was considered another God and “Love for Nature” a form of worship. A religion will be born which will cultivate years of lives for our planet.


Written by Ekta K. Kalra

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