Monday, September 10, 2012

Law to protect depressed patients from emotional trauma

Law and Emotions / Decide Government of United States of America

Emotional trauma / hurt have several lethal effects on the people (Example: Suicide). It is time to think about protecting depressed and vulnerable people from facing emotional traumas. Patients of depression (as well as other mental disorder patients) need emotional care more than normally required. However, the reality is that what the depressed patient receives is emotional abuse. People not only show unacceptance (as seen in the problem of racism) but also emotionally hurt by looking down at those with mental disorders. This behavior of emotional hurt needs to be stopped by law. The question is: Should a law be passed on “Tears-causing hurt” (TCH)? Should the person emotionally hurting another person be fined? The law might help control the emotionally hurting behavior of especially those people who move around with the sole aim to hurt others.

For the purpose of present study depression can be categorized based on the source of emotional hurt:
1.  Person hurting Person (Major cause of depression; Example: Emotional abuse)
2.  Things hurting Person (Minor cause of depression; Example: Accidents)
3.  Self hurting Self (Minor cause of depression; Example: Very high ambition)

The categories of places where emotional trauma can take place are as follows:
1.  Place of Living / Home
2.  Place of Working / Office / Workplace
3.  Place of Additional Interaction / Society / Platform for emotional interaction

There are certain questions that are required to be answered before passing the law:
1.  What is emotional abuse?
2.  How to know that emotional hurt was intentional?
3.  How to differentiate between constructive criticism and painful criticism?
4.  How to make people interact fearlessly even after passing the law?
5.  How much fine will each person have to pay per week if such a law was passed?
6.  Can the level of emotional abuse on depressed patients be really decreased after passing the law?
7.  Can there be a special protection for the depressed patients under the law? (This can mean more fine for hurting a depressed person)
8.  Should emotional security become the agenda of the government?

The next question to be answered is on how to know that the law has been broken.
1.    Number of tears
2.    Person involved
3.    Number of people affected (emotionally) earlier by the same person
4.    Reason behind the emotional hurt
5.    Frequency of hurt
6.    Duration of conversation
7.    Number of words and sentences spoken to hurt
8.    Type of words used (Example: Mad for depressed patient)
9.    Place / occasion of hurting (Number of people around)
10.        Pitch of the voice used
11.        Expressions on the face.
12.        Degree of eyes opened
13.        Reason behind anger or hurt (Example: Jealousy)
14.        Prior statistics of hurting the individual.
15.        Type of relationship with the individual
16.        What initiated the emotional hurt
17.        Mental state of the person hurting the other person
18.        Hurt after having heavy alcoholic drink
Note: *Under emotional traumas can also come those relationships which are formed with the sole intention of self gain or exploitation of other’s innocence/riches/knowledge/efficiency/abilities.
**However, if the hurt was unintentional, spontaneous, rare and by mistake then the law can forgive the individual.

Effects of living in the society where emotional abuse is not controlled by the law:
1.  Happy living
2.  Normal functioning (Day to day activities)
3.  Productivity (Concentration at work)

Looking at the above presented aspects, I propose the need to pass a law for TCH with the sole aim of emotional protection, individual mental security and intellectual growth.

Written by Ekta K. Kalra
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1 comment:

  1. A law to protect emotions. Police to check words that hurt. We need love from heart and now only law can do that.
