Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Multiplication of Human Intelligence

The art of becoming paranormal.
In order to fight the current problems of the world it is essential to multiply human intelligence. Human intelligence can be multiplied by the application of certain philosophical and psychological principles. Principles that have direct link with the increase in concentration, control of boredom while thinking for a long time on the same point, mental ability increase through mental and physical exercise can be some features of the method that multiples intelligence. However, work in this area is in progress in our research lab. Imagine the joy of being the most intelligent person ever born on earth and the benefits of having a human who has the mental ability to chalk out a solution to every problem on earth. An alien will appear less required in the world of humans with multiplied intelligence. Development will be at its peak and confidence at its right place of hope. This will be world of our dream.

How to multiply intelligence?
 Write with the heart,
Listen with the thoughts,
Imagine from the soul,
Then succeed in science,
Your intelligence will multiply in no time.

Written by Ekta K. Kalra 

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