Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Climate change: Search of right ideas

Can the study on interaction between moon and stars help understand environmental changes on earth?

Written by

Ekta K. Kalra

Monday, August 19, 2013

Earth is a scientific invention

Who created this planet? God or alien? Who are we searching for? God or alien? Earth was a scientific invention and not a result of bing bang. We need to understand how things are related and not how they work individually. You and me have also affected the environment and our every good and bad deed linked/unlinked affects it. Do we understand that every scientific invention has some negative aspects? The biggest negative aspect of earth is that it requires a definite flow of positive and negative energies. Any disturbance in this flow affects the environment. The environment of earth is sensitive to trillions of big and small things. Each of these trillions of things can individually in higher potential cause the destruction of earth. If we address one issue the others remain untouched. Just as human body the environment is a body sensitive to many aspects. Why did we introduce mobile phones and wireless connections? Did we ask the (alien) creator of earth whether they will be compatible with his invention called earth? I can prove that a scientist created earth and that every aspect of it has science in it. Emotions too have scientific reasons. I can also prove that science is sensitive and needs maintenance to help run the machinery called earth.

Written by
Ekta K. Kalra

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Service to mankind

We are serving our own future when we serve somebody's present. It's good we are doing it. There should be loaf and hope always available on earth. Love shines in the eyes of those who have seen bread and have heard hope for life. We all have smelled the ugly sorrows now let's stand up and protect those who can be kept safe with our loving efforts. Love <3
Written by
Ekta K. Kalra

Thursday, August 15, 2013

NASA should educate "all" on environmental sciences

Can we be offered a platform to discuss and engage in logical thoughts with some one from NASA team? I would really appreciate if the basics related to the environmental problems can be explained to the people from other educational background and brainstorming be expected from them. Some of us might be very creative. This would be expected from you: 1. Explaining the problem in brief. 2. Providing the really essential information required for brainstorming. 3. Answering whether our creative attempts are good or bad. 4. Helping us brainstorm. The educated class will be educated in environmental sciences and the world will be available to contribute to the global warming effects. Brains are the most powerful tool of human body, are we using most (all) of them?
Written by:
Ekta K. Kalra

Supporting the Weaker Ones

The weaker one can be mainly women in the society but sometimes men being dominated by the wrong women in the family. The weaker one can be a depressed patient or a psychiatrist struggling to deal with patients. The weaker ones need Power. From will the flow of power come and how it will grow to engage better ways in life? Can the most powerful of ours (You) do this? Can you care for the weak and can this not be the biggest expectation from Power of Earth. Can United States stand for this in the beautiful world of ours?

Written by:
Ekta K. Kalra